French at Grimsdell
In Year 1 and 2, French is taught for 30 minutes each week, with the aim to develop a passion for languages. The children begin to understand and reproduce vocabulary and sentences in an authentic accent whilst the emphasis is always on having fun. Songs and language games are used to reinforce speaking and listening skills and gradually in Year 2, reading and writing is introduced.
In Year 1, children learn about France and aspects of its culture. Children are introduced to various topics: home, me and my family, school, days of the week, weather, shopping and animals. Size, colours and numbers (to 1000) are also taught.
In Year 2, the focus is on progressing from single words to basic sentences. Topics are revisited and deepened: children are now able to introduce themselves and express likes and dislikes, name parts of the body and formulate simple physical descriptions (eyes and hair colour), prepare for a holiday, pack their suitcase and name several countries as well as learn about different celebrations throughout the year.