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Grimsdell Mill Hill Pre-Prep

We aim to enable young pupils of all abilities to develop their ‘computational thinking’ skills, and enjoy becoming confident participants in the digital world, by using a wide range of resources.

In a world which is increasingly reliant on technology, it is essential that Grimsdell pupils have access to and effectively utilise a wide range of technology from the earliest age.

Using multiple resources and platforms our pupils learn how to access, evaluate, process and communicate information. At Grimsdell our teachers integrate computing into every aspect of school life and model the appropriate use of technology. We have interactive whiteboards in every classroom, a Computing suite and in Key Stage 1 we have 1:1 iPads in all classrooms.

In their classrooms, younger children have access to a varied range of educational software and resources which are designed to foster academic and digital skills to familiarise pupils with the computer.

In Reception the children have a task time session with a specialist teacher and also use our computing suite with their class teacher. All children in Key Stage 1 have one lesson a week in Computing taught in half classes by a specialist teacher, ensuring pupils master relevant applications. Computing is also taught during task time and in the classroom using iPads and other equipment.

Grimsdell pupils embark on their journey of becoming digitally literate by learning the correct finger positions and work on improving their typing accuracy and speed. They are also taught how to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly.

Grimsdell children learn to be creative and active in their approach to Computing. We teach it as a discrete subject from the age of 3, using programmable toys, a range of software and resources, and bring it into our theme whenever we can.

At Grimsdell we anticipate profound changes in the future in relation to the way children learn and the way the classroom functions. We constantly work to fulfil the vital role that school plays in the integration of technology into our learning. Grimsdell is a school which invests in technology and where students can profit and learn from being connected to the world, with appropriate resources available to ensure the most effective education possible. In EYFS they use an online learning journal called ‘Tapestry’ which documents the children’s achievements, and this can be shared with their family. In KS1 the children take ownership of their online learning journal through ‘Seesaw’ where they post their work, evidence and videos and they can also share these with their family and take pride in their achievements.

Above all, computing is a practical subject, in which analysis and resourcefulness are encouraged. The combination of principles, practice and invention makes computing a useful and intensely creative subject, filled with excitement.

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© Grimsdell Mill Hill Pre-Prep 2025
Registered in England: Number 3404450. Registered Charity Number: 1064758. Registered office: Walker House, Millers Close, The Ridgeway, Mill Hill, London, NW7 1AQ