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Grimsdell Mill Hill Pre-Prep
Creative Curriculum

At Grimsdell, our educational philosophy centres around an environment where learning is not only rigorous but also inspiring, memorable, and meaningful.

We believe in a holistic approach that combines academic excellence with the cultivation of essential 21st-century skills. Through our creative curriculum, we provide a comprehensive exploration of skills across all subject areas, encouraging children to recognise the interconnectedness of their learning experiences.

Our goal is to instil in each child a profound and enduring love of learning. To achieve this, our curriculum extends well beyond the confines of the National Curriculum, offering a rich and diverse educational experience. It is both challenging and exciting, presenting opportunities for every child to excel in various areas.

The foundation of our teaching approach lies in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and National Curriculum, seamlessly integrated into an overarching theme. This thematic approach, characterised by cross-curricular and inquiry-based methods, aims to educate the whole child, allowing them to nurture their talents and progress at their own pace.

We actively encourage children to question, inquire, and develop problem-solving skills. Collaborative learning is promoted, with children working in pairs or groups to discuss, debate, and think critically and creatively. Strong verbal communication skills are refined, enabling students to articulate their ideas in writing. Practical tasks are incorporated to stimulate thinking, challenge creativity, and enhance independence and confidence.

Our curriculum is organised into thematic units, each spanning a term and meticulously designed to cover learning objectives for each year group and subject in a dynamic and creative manner. The structure of each theme follows a three-part sequence: a Stunning Starter, Marvellous Middle, and Fabulous Finish.

Beyond the classroom, our commitment to holistic development extends into the outdoor environment, taking full advantage of the grounds within Mill Hill School to maximise learning opportunities across all curriculum areas.

Our Creative Curriculum is designed to go beyond surface-level learning, providing depth in the coverage of skills across subjects. By incorporating children's interests and questions into the planning process, we empower them to take ownership of their learning journey. This approach ensures that each theme not only meets academic objectives but also provides opportunities for challenge and enrichment.

The Stunning Start

This marks the beginning of each theme, creating an atmosphere of awe and wonder. Children are introduced to the topic through immersive experiences such as outdoor scenes, visitors, events, mysteries, or problem-solving scenarios. This initial excitement lays the foundation for a meaningful and engaging learning journey.

The Marvellous Middle

Strategically placed midway through each theme, this sustains the children's interest. It involves celebrating their work and may include activities like field trips or unique in-school experiences. This mid-theme event ensures continuous engagement and enthusiasm.

Fabulous Finish

The culmination of each theme is a grand finale where children reflect on their learning and showcase their accomplishments to the school community. This showcase takes various imaginative forms, allowing children to express their understanding and creativity.

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© Grimsdell Mill Hill Pre-Prep 2025
Registered in England: Number 3404450. Registered Charity Number: 1064758. Registered office: Walker House, Millers Close, The Ridgeway, Mill Hill, London, NW7 1AQ